Princess Rose and the Creature

Упражнения для проверки (20-ти новых слов)

Exercise 1. Choose the right word for the given definition.

1. to marry


2. a living thing


3. to move a boat across the water


4. one thing or the other


5. any longer


Exercise 2. Choose a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. The doll broke when it fell onto the floor.


2. I like to use my time taking long walks in the forest.


3. He loved to travel in his boat to many islands.


4. I stop sleeping when the dog barks.


5. The area was full of trees and plants.


Exercise 3. Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1. To __________ for the test, I had to study a long time.


2. Playing with a knife can lead to __________ injury.


3. It’s __________ forherto be mean; usually she is very kind.


4. Michael’s parents and teacher had a __________ about his grades.


5. I __________ books, and now I have over 500 of them.


6. She did not know my name, so I had to __________ myself.


7. I had to make a __________ about which book I wanted to buy.


8. He lies a lot, but I hope he is telling the __________.


9. Many countries __________ in the Olympics every four years.


10. He was so tired that he fell __________ right away.


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